Get metrics from JIRAΒΆ

The below example gets issues for an empty jql of a cloud-based JIRA system.

Empty jql string means that all issues are taken as result.

As no user/password are provided and this JIRA system as no free-accessible projects, the result should be 0.


You may need to create a API-token for JIRA-cloud, because using your password in JIRA-cloud is not allowed. In this case, simply use the token for the password field.

See JIRA api token docs.

  "metrics": {
    "jira_issues": {
      "source": {
        "type": "rest_jira",
        "jql": ""

  "sources": {
    "rest_jira": {
      "class": "",
      "url": "",
       "method": "POST",
       "payload": {
         "jql": ":MF_REPLACE:jql",
         "maxResults": 1,
         "fields": [ "summary"],
         "startAt": 0
       "result_call": "result['total']"

  "targets": {
    "print": {
      "class": "mf.print"